Bridges News — Events


Bridges LIVE! Coming to a City Near You 0

We’ve just had our first Bridges LIVE! event in Mississauga and it was a great success. The enthusiasm of attendees, the discussions around trends in AT, new eye gaze technology and iPad access options, teaching strategies for students with profound challenges, tools on the cloud… as usual we probably learned as much from our participants as they from us!

MEville to WEville Success Stories from Alberta 0

As part of an ongoing literacy initiative, Literacy for All -- A Community of Practice, Alberta teachers are sharing their experiences with MEville...

SOLO Unlimited for BC Schools Only $2400 Through PSAP 0

For a Limited Time, And a Very Limited Quantity. The Provincial Software Acquisition Plan (PSAP), administered by SET-BC (Special Education Technol...

LDCSB's educATe Site Launched 0

London District Catholic School Board’s  educATe website is officially up and running after a day of presentations and hands-on exploring on Friday...