Bridges News — Special Education

Math Intitiatives -- Special Needs Classroom:  Equals Bridges the Gap

Math Intitiatives -- Special Needs Classroom: Equals Bridges the Gap 0

For a teacher or administrator of students with special needs, how to realize an initiative -- like 60 minutes of math each day -- for students with moderate to profound and complex instructional needs is a challenge.
Aidan and Eye Gaze – A New World of Possibilities

Aidan and Eye Gaze – A New World of Possibilities 0

“I just had to share this video… We introduced the EyeGaze on Friday and again today. This is day 2! Oh My! ;)”

AT Specialist in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia

Eye Gaze Eval -- Start with Fun and Keep it Simple

Eye Gaze Eval -- Start with Fun and Keep it Simple 0

In getting a new user started with an eye gaze system, going straight to the end goal -- communication board, computer control, writing etc. is overwhelming. Eye-gaze -- as intuitive as it is -- is still a skill and a skill takes some sort of learning curve. Here are some tips to get success in an evaluation.