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2014 AT trends -- AT and the mainstream tech 0

This is the third of three posts about trends we see effecting AT in the coming months written by Bogdan Pospielovsky,  Business Development Manage...

Apple vs. Win in the Classroom -- and the winner is.... Chrome? 0

This is the second of three posts about trends we see effecting AT in the coming months written by Bogdan Pospielovsky  Business Development Manag...

2014 AT trends: Cheap, Disposable -- Accessible? 0

the trend to cheap and disposable will impact education IT and purchasing departments as they figure out how to replace Windows XP machines that will no longer be supported after April 8 2014

Kim's Favourite iPad Apps and stuff from 2013 1

Kim Mitchell's been doing a lot of training on iPads for Special Education these days.  Kim, a long time trainer at Bridges, has been working with ...